Bug Pest Control Services
A1 No Nonsense Pest Control can assist in the removal and remediation of any and all bugs and insects, including Bed Bugs, Ants, Bees, Wasps, Termites and more!
We can assist with:
- Bed Bugs
- Termites
- Carpenter Ants
- Carpenter Bees
- Wood Beetles
- Moths
- Bees
- Wasps
- Hornets
- Ticks
- Mosquitos

Wasp Treatment

Cockroach and Ant

Cockroach Pest Control Services
Adult German cockroaches are light brown except for the shield behind the head marked with two dark stripes, which run lengthwise on the body, and about 5/8 inch long. Young roaches are wingless and nearly black with a single light stripe running down the middle of the back. Egg capsules are light tan.
German cockroaches, are the most common roaches found in houses and restaurants. Most cockroaches have a flattened, oval shape, spiny legs, and long, filamentous antennae. Immature stages are smaller, have undeveloped wings and resemble the adults. They eat food of all kinds and may hitchhike into the house on egg cartons, soft drink cartons, sacks of potatoes or onions, used furniture, beer cases, etc.
They can develop into large populations and live throughout the house, especially in the kitchen and bathroom. During the day, these roaches may be found hiding clustered behind baseboard molding, in cracks around cabinets, closets or pantries, and in and under stoves, refrigerators and dishwashers. When seen during the day in clusters, the population is large.
Roaches can foul food, damage wallpaper and books, eat glue from furniture, and produce an unpleasant odor. Some homeowners are allergic to roaches. The pests can contaminate food with certain bacterial diseases that result in food poisoning, dysentery, or diarrhea.
American cockroaches are reddish brown and have a yellowish margin on the body region behind the head. They are usually around 1 and 1/2 inches long. When disturbed, may run rapidly and adults may fly. Immature cockroaches resemble adults except that they are wingless.
American cockroaches generally live in moist areas, but can survive in dry areas if they have access to water. They prefer warm temperatures around 84 degrees Fahrenheit and do not tolerate cold temperatures. In residential areas, these cockroaches live in basements and sewers, and may move outdoors into yards during warm weather. These cockroaches are common in basements, crawl spaces, cracks and crevices of porches, foundations, and walkways adjacent to buildings. They feed on a wide variety of plant and animal material.
The Oriental cockroach known as the "water bug," is more closely associated with damp areas than the other common roaches. These insects feed on garbage and decaying organic matter and are often considered the filthiest of the house-infesting roaches. They are found in damp basements, cellars, crawl spaces, near drains, leaky water pipes and beneath refrigerators, sinks and washing machines, under floors, and inside walls. They forage mostly on first floors of buildings.
Outdoors, they are found beneath decomposing leaves or stones in mulching materials, in trash and at municipal sewer plants. During the autumn, there can be a mass movement into buildings, but because of their preference for cooler temperatures, can be found outdoors and in unheated buildings during the winter.
Adult Oriental cockroaches are shiny, dark brown or black, about 1 to 1-1/4-inch long and have nonfunctional wings incapable of flight. Females are about 1-1/4-inch long, broad and have only little pads for wings. Males are about one inch long, more slender and have wings not reaching the tip of the abdomen. Immature roaches (nymphs) are darker in color than adults, similarly shaped and wingless. Egg cases are dark reddish-brown, one inch long (largest of the common roaches), and appear slightly inflated.
Brown Banded
The adults are rather small cockroaches about 5/8 inch long. The adult male is slender in appearance with its wings extending beyond the tip of the abdomen. Adult females have shorter wings that expose a considerable portion of their broad abdomens. They have two light yellow or cream-colored bands across their backs. These bands tend to be hidden by the wings in the adults. The markings of the brown-banded cockroach are roughly crosswise while those of the German cockroach are lengthwise.
Brown-banded cockroaches are generally found on ceilings, high on walls, behind picture frames, and near motors of refrigerators and other appliances. They are also found in light switches, closets and furniture. They do not require as much moisture as the German cockroach which explains why they normally are found in rooms other than the kitchen or bathroom. These cockroaches dislike light and are not normally seen during the day.
Wood Roach (Pennsylvania)
Wood cockroaches, also known as wood roaches, are common outdoor dwelling insects native to North America and found throughout Iowa. Their normal habitat is moist woodland areas but they frequently become a household nuisance because they wander into or are carried into houses as "accidental invaders."
Wood roaches are very similar in appearance to the common household cockroach called the American roach; flat, oval body, long antennae, spiny legs, chestnut brown color. However, wood roaches are slightly smaller, about 3/4 to 1 1/4 inch long, and the adults, especially the males, appear tan because of the color of their wings. Adults and large nymphs of the wood roach can be recognized by a pale, creamy white or transparent stripe on the outer edge on the thorax. The pale edge extends onto the first 1/3 of the front wings of the adults. Positive identification of small nymphs is more difficult and usually requires microscopic examination.
Wood roaches that have wandered into the house usually behave differently than the household roaches. Wood roaches are not secretive; they are active both during the day and at night and they are less likely to scamper out of sight when approached. Also, they will wander about the house without congregating in any particular location.

Ants Pest Control Services
Carpenter Ants
Carpenter ants are among the most conspicuous of ants found in and around homes. All kinds of houses, regardless of age or type of construction, are vulnerable to infestation and damage by carpenter ants; very difficult to control; colonies can contain up to 3,000 workers.
Note sure if you have ants or termites? If you have a pest sample, you can look for the following characteristics:
- Elbowed antennae
- Three distinct body segments with a slim "waist"
- Front wings longer than back ones
- Various sizes
- Straight antennae
- No "waistline"
- Wings long and of equal length
- Usually only about 1/8" in length
Pavement Ants
Pavement ants are small ants about 1/8th inch long and dark brown to black in color. They are found throughout the eastern half of the US and are a major pest in the upper Midwest. The name for this ant comes from its habit of nesting under sidewalks and driveways and piling dirt removed from the nest in a mound on top of the pavement.
In addition to nesting under sidewalks, pavement ants colonies can be found under other items lying on top of the ground, including stones, logs, boards, bricks and patio blocks. They may nest in open soil close to building foundations or under mulch in landscaped beds. Only rarely do the ants nest indoors in walls, under floors or in insulation.
Control of pavement ants should begin with an attempt to locate the nest site. Ants entering buildings from outdoors can be discouraged by sealing as many cracks and gaps in exterior walls as possible. Also, correct poor foundation drainage and repair water leaks.
Odorous House Ants
Odorous house ants are small ants about 1/8th inch long and dark brown in color. They are found throughout the US and in spite of their name, are only an occasional pest in the house. Their name comes from the disagreeable odor similar to the smell of rotten coconuts that is given off when the worker ants are crushed.
Odorous house ants commonly nest outdoors in the soil under stones, logs, mulch, debris and other items. They will also nest indoors in wall and floor voids, particularly in moist or warm areas. If only a few workers (wingless ants) are observed in the house it is an indication that they are nesting outdoors and entering the house in search of food. If winged swarmers are found indoors, or if workers are consistently seen in great abundance, it likely indicates they are nesting within the house.
Control of odorous house ants should begin with an attempt to locate the origin of the ants. Careful and frequent observation may be necessary to develop an opinion about the source. Ants entering from outdoors can be discouraged by sealing as many cracks and gaps in exterior walls as possible.
Pharaoh Ants
Pharaoh ants are very small in size, and light yellow to red in color with black markings on abdomen. Due to their extremely small size, they can be found in a diversity of places, appearing suddenly. They have a wide range of foraging and their nest are usually well hidden. They are very persistent, with large colonies.
Inside they are usually found in the kitchen and bathrooms, but workers are seen trailing along window sills, and baseboards. They can also be spotted near sources of water in the kitchen and bathrooms, counter tops, toilets,drains and sinks. They prefer to nest in recessed areas like wall voids,under some appliance, wall outlets, under carpet for protection, but they can also nest outdoors in lawns and gardens.

Bed Bugs Pest Control Services
Remember when your parents used to tuck you in at night and they said with a smile, "Night-night, don't let the bed bugs bite!"? Many people thought bed bugs were something of our imaginations like the boogie man, but they are real and they are becoming more and more common in today's households.
This is not the first time there has been bed bug infestations in the United States. Prior to World War II, bed bugs were common, but with improved sanitation and the extensive use of DDT in the 1940's and 50's bed bugs practically vanished from the U.S. Unfortunately these pests remained active throughout the world and now with international travel so common along with frequent immigration to the United States, bed bugs are making a rapid comeback to our homes, apartments, hotels, dormitories and other living shelters. This uncontrolled resurgence is due to pesticides having become less effective, and because many pest control operators are not familiar with bed bugs and the appropriate actions necessary to eliminate an infestation.
Bed Bug Behaviors and Habitats
Bed bugs are a sneaky pest that tend to hide during the day, and can be difficult to find because they like to use their flattened bodies to hide in small cracks and crevices. Bed bugs will usually live near their feeding source and for that reason they generally live near a bed or other commonly used furniture. Unlike ants or bees, bed bugs do not have a nest but they do tend to congregate in groups. They will often live in/or around your mattress, bed frame, headboard, nearby furniture, flooring, etc. These areas of infestation can generally be detected by the appearance of small dark specs and markings on their surfaces. These small reddish to brown specs and spots are from dried excrement of bed bugs; you may also find eggs, nymphs, molted shells and the bed bugs themselves.
Bed bugs can move quickly along ceilings, walls, floors and furniture. It is very common for bed bugs to travel quickly from one adjacent room to another. Hotels, motels, apartments and other tight living environments need be very careful to quickly identify a bed bug infestation and be extremely proactive when an infestation arrives.

Termites Pest Control Services
Termites have commanded more attention than any insect pest. A1 No Nonsense Pest Control Termite specialists are knowledgeable in building construction, termite biology and behavior, the proper and safe use of pesticides, the use and maintenance of equipment, and safety. We always use considerable judgment in the performance of every job!
Note sure if you have ants or termites? If you have a pest sample, you can look for the following characteristics:
- Elbowed antennae
- Three distinct body segments with a slim "waist"
- Front wings longer than back ones
- Various sizes
- Straight antennae
- No "waistline"
- Wings long and of equal length
- Usually only about 1/8" in length
What you will see us do as we treat your home
Trench and treat the outside foundation. The first basic step.
Trench and treat inside the crawl space foundation wall. This is necessary if your house has a crawl space or a basement with a dirt floor.
Treat the soil under a crawl space. If space is limited, we'll usually have to drill small holes in the outside concrete wall surrounding the crawl space.
Treat beneath the flower boxes or other parts of the structure that protrude out from the main structure.
The soil in bath traps must be treated and access panels may have to be cut.
Treat behind the brick veneer.
Treat the spaces around the chimney.
Treat hollow blocks.
Treat cracks, expansion joints and voids under the basement floor or slab.
Treat near the ducts in the slab.
Treat the areas where the pipes and utility lines penetrate the slab or basement floor. Treat through holes drilled around the perimeter of the slab.
Treat the soil beneath the porch and/or deck.
Treat between the steps and house.
Drill and inject the brick piers.