Rodent Pest Control Services
The house mouse is, unfortunately, the species of mouse everyone thinks of when they hear the word mouse. It is because they live in close association with humans that they are one of the most familiar small mammals to humans. House mice are similar in size to our native deer mouse but they are a solid grayish-brown color above and below. Their tail is also scaly like a Norway rat and not covered with fur like the deer mouse.
For standard single-famliy homes our exclusive Three-Part Rodent Treatment is $550 plus tax. With most modern homes with concrete or cinder block foundation and concrete floors, we can resolve the issue in three visits.


House mice are occasionally found in fields, but usually in buildings. They will eat most anything and breed year-round having as many as a dozen litters a year of 5-8 young each. Young are able to breed at six weeks. Because this mouse chooses to live near humans, it is considered a pest. This species is the one sought after in trapping and poisoning efforts by humans.
Here's how it works!
Upon agreeing to the terms of treatment the process begins. My first appointment can last up to two hours. Upon arrival, the customer/tenant tells me what they hear, see, smell and think. We perform an interior and exterior inspection and based upon our findings we begin implementation of treatment. My focus is on rodent EXCLUSION! This treatment includes minor exclusion at no additional cost (anything that can be sealed up with a tube of caulk, a can of foam, a yard of copper wool or an 8 1/2 x 11" piece of sheet metal). If a major opening is discovered that is beyond my ability to repair/replace, the homeowner is responsible for addressing it in a timely fashion - i.e., broken window or garage door severely damaged. There can be mid-range exclusion needed where the homeowner can either call in a subject matter expert to repair or we could negotiate a price for me to perform - i.e., garage door rubber stripping needs replacement. I perform exclusion that is within my immediate control and then I begin to place some combination of bait stations, snap traps, glue boards and/or "tin cats" to both catch mice within your house and to gather evidence for possible further action. Payment is made at this time.
On the second visit (normally 1-2 weeks after the initial visit) we discuss again what you/tenant have heard, seen or smelt since my original visit. I then examine the evidence from my bait stations, snap traps, glue boards and/or "tin cats" and take additional action as needed.
On the third visit (normally 1-2 weeks after the second visit) I do the same procedures as the second visit. Normally by now, we have the situation under control.

Rat Pest Control Services
Norway Rat
This rat lives both with man, and in the open where vegetation is tall. It makes its home principally in a basement or a burrow under a sidewalk or outbuilding. It appears to be most common around feed stores, chicken houses and garbage dumps.
The Norway Rat is more at home on the ground but has been seen crossing from one building to another along a telephone wire, so it is an excellent climber. Around poultry houses, the rat feeds extensively on eggs and young chickens. It has even been known to kill lambs and young pigs!
The Norway Rat is a source of food for the spotted skunk, barn owl, and house cat, but because the rat is such a prolific breeder, these predators are often unable to keep the rat population in check.
This rat is known to be a reservoir of bubonic plague, endemic typhus fever, rat bite fever, and a few other dreaded diseases. Therefore, buildings and garbage cans should be rat-proofed.